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Waipa District Council

The Waipā District lies at the heart of the Waikato region, and is home to around 53,600 residents. Covering more than 1447km² and including some of New Zealand's most fertile land and water, the district of Waipā is centered on the urban hubs of Te Awamutu, Cambridge, Kihikihi, Pirongia, Ōhaupō, and Leamington.

The rural community makes the most of the rich soils with dairy farming, as well as sheep, beef and deer farming, thoroughbred horse studs and fruit production. The Waipā District's fine equestrian heritage is held in high regard worldwide. They’re immensely proud of the farming and rural heritage, and are proud to host National Agricultural Fieldays, the largest annual agricultural exhibition of its kind in New Zealand that attracts visitors from all over world.

The Waipā district is home to Hamilton Airport, and has a growing reputation as the home of high-performance sport with Rowing New Zealand, Cycling New Zealand, Triathlon New Zealand, and Canoe Racing New Zealand all based in Cambridge. You can find out more at gowaipa.com.

They feel most at home on the water, with the large hydro lakes used extensively for watersports and recreation including Lake Karāpiro, the home of New Zealand rowing and other water sports. The major Waipā and Waikato rivers flow though the district, and the smaller peat lakes are considered some of the best examples of their type in the world.

For more information on the district head to the website here.

Lake Karāpiro

Karāpiro itself is a hydroelectric lake on the Waikato River. It is a 10 minute drive from Cambridge. The river has flowed through the Waikato region for more than 20,000 years. It has been a source of physical and spiritual sustenance from the time of the earliest tūpuna (Māori ancestors) until today. Above Karāpiro stands Maungatautari, a culturally and ecologically important mountain.

On the banks of Lake Karāpiro is Mighty River Domain, an iconic Waipa District Council site and one of New Zealand's premier event venues. Every year it showcases a variety of sporting and cultural events and has been the stage for a number of memorable international sporting occasions.

For more information check out the website here

The Mighty Waikato

Welcome to the Waikato region. A geographically and culturally diverse region, the Waikato has a range of activities and attractions to suit all ages and tastes – from our vibrant city hub of Hamilton to the rugged west coast, underground wonders and middle-earth movie magic.

For more information check out the website here



HUUB is a premium endurance sport apparel and wetsuit brand with an ethos of continuous improvement and deliverance of speed in all its products. Born in the water world of triathlon wetsuits in 2011, HUUB now dominates triathlon clothing, wetsuits and accessories promising innovation and speed. 

Founded by sports industry leader Dean Jackson - the HUUB brand takes its name from human movement specialist Professor Huub Toussaint. Dean founded the HUUB brand after amassing three decades of experience, with previous roles across the swim, bike and run industry categories. 

Focusing wholly on the athlete and maximising performance and comfort, the HUUB team explores both the odd and the conventional to create the best. HUUB's exploration of becoming the fastest and the best now takes them into new sports and new categories, new countries and exciting scaling opportunities. 

For more information head to the Teamline website who are exclusive distributors of HUUB.

Shorland Peugeot

A family owned and operated business operating in Tauranga since 1981 and proudly representing Peugeot in the greater Bay Of Plenty for most of that time.

Shorland Peugeot are strongly committed to Peugeot, and this has been recognised by their success in being awarded “National Dealer of the Year” – they've won this title 5 times and are the current holder.

Specialising in Peugeot Sales and Service. Shorland Peugeot carry a large range of New and Used Peugeots and quality factory spare parts and accessories. Their Service Technicians are Factory Trained and are recognised nation-wide for their Peugeot knowledge and ability.

For more information on all things Peugeot, check out the website here.

Thorlo Foot Protection

Thorlo brand experience is built on designing products for all types of athletes and increasingly important, the ageing population, who may or may not be suffering from foot problems. Our commitment in craftsmanship is how we have built our quality, value and the benefit of being better.

Thorlo are the only sock in the world clinically proven* to reduce foot pain, blisters, moisture and pressure.

* Clinically tested through several peer reviewed studies sponsored by the Institute For Preventative Foot Health®

We take pride in making the best products and we care about the people who wear them, as well as the people who make them. 

R-Line Electrolyte Drink

Just what you need. Nothing Else!

R-Line has been scientifically developed at a leading New Zealand University for active people and athletes of all ages. The easy-to-mix concentrate contains just what you need to hydrate and recover from exercise and hard work, oh, and it tastes great too!

R-Line is designed to promote the availability of energy and to prevent or treat mild dehydration that may occur as a result of strenuous exercise. 

The team at R-Line are going to be onsite for the entirety of Long Course Weekend New Zealand ensuring our competitors having the best product available to help them reach the finish line and recover each day. 

Hell Pizza

For the best damned pizza in this life or the next... See you in HELL!

Supa Water

Naturally flavoured active water that contains electrolytes and is low sugar with less than 2.5g per 100ml, unlike most other sports drinks in the market.

The sister brand of Vista Water, a sparkling water infused with natural fruit extract, made right here in New Zealand. Basically, it's got no surprises. Well, no bad ones. Definitely a few good ones!

Riverside Adventures

Discover the Waikato River at your own pace. Minutes from Cambridge yet a world of its own, our spot along the Waikato River is surrounded by lush bush and overlooked by the magnificent Maungatautari. 

At Riverside Adventures we want you to savour the beauty of our picturesque backyard. Our guided tours are designed to take you on a physical and spiritual journey as you explore the Waikato with us.

With a new location now at the Grassroots Velodrome, the options for bike hire and packages are endless.

Good George Brewing

If we told you that Good George was the best thing to come out of Hamilton, you’d probably think for a minute then make a joke about how we don’t have much competition. That’s okay, we can handle it, we don’t take life too seriously. 

We are serious about brewing though... Good George came to life after a bunch of friends got together and decided, after years in hospitality and brewing, it was time to create their own craft brewery. Their main motivation was to show people what great beer can be, convert drinkers from the norm and have a bit of fun along the way. Their belief was that beer and cider can be so much better and more rewarding. It shouldn't be bland, full of chemicals, mass produced and boring. Nor should it be hard, pretentious or scary. Exploring and drinking beers and ciders should be enjoyable, simple and really rewarding.

Marathon Photos Live

Marathon Photos Live is the world's leading mass participation event sports photography company operating since 1999, now in 70 countries. They will be offering all of our athlete's and athlete's supporters the chance to receive INSTANT personalised race photos throughout the event and right to the finish line so family and friends can chart an athlete's progress live.

Exclusive provider of event photos, find out more by visiting www.marathonphotos.live

  • Waipa District Council
  • Karāpiro
  • The Mighty Waikato
  • HUUB
  • Shorland Peugeot
  • Thorlo Foot Protection
  • R-Line Electrolyte Drink
  • Hell Pizza
  • Supa Water
  • Riverside Adventures
  • Good George Brewing
  • Marathon Photos Live