Results FAQS
Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

In consideration of the acceptance of my entry for the event, I hereby waive, release and discharge Event Promotions Limited, it’s director/s and staff, owners and/or custodians of land and property on and over which the event is being conducted, event sponsors and promoters, suppliers of product and services (including medical services), volunteers and volunteer groups, and all other persons, entities or groups associated with the planning and conduct of the event (individually or collectively referred to as the “indemnified parties”), from any liability and claims that arise from losses, injuries and or damage however caused (whether fatal or otherwise) that I may suffer from my preparation for and/or participation in this event.

Further, I hereby indemnify and hold harmless the above described “indemnified parties” from all actions, suits, proceedings, claims, demands, losses, damages, penalties, fines and other financial impositions however arising (including from negligence). This waiver, release, discharge and indemnity is provided for me, my executors, administrators and assigns.

I agree to comply with the rules of the event and will compete entirely at my own risk. I authorise the use of my name, voice, picture and any information provided by me on this entry form, and without payment, for the purpose of any broadcast, telecast, communication, promotion, advertising or activities associated with the current or future events or other events promoted by or on behalf of Event Promotions Limited and the event sponsors or promoters.

I confirm, where this entry is completed on behalf of me and/or others, that these others have been made aware of the above statement and that each of them confirm the waiver, release, discharge and indemnity set out therein, including on behalf of their executors, administrators and assigns.

Refund Policy

Refunds up until 7 days before the event date will incur a $20.00 administration/booking fee.

There will be no refunds within 7 days of the event date. In the case of a natural disaster, closure of the course due to weather or “Acts of God” conditions, pandemic or Government restrictions causing the cancellation of the event, entry fees will NOT be refunded. Please contact 07 348 3301 or [email protected] if you need to withdraw from the event.

Transfers / Changes

Person to Person transfers may be made between competitors up until 14 days prior to the event dates and MUST be made between the same entry type (event distance and discipline). After this they must be made at the event day registration.

Transferring to a different entry type can be done 14 days prior to the event date – after this they must be done at the event day registration.

Please contact 07 348 3301 or [email protected] if you need to make a transfer.

Transfers do not apply to future years.

  • Waipa District Council
  • Karāpiro
  • The Mighty Waikato
  • HUUB
  • Shorland Peugeot
  • Thorlo Foot Protection
  • R-Line Electrolyte Drink
  • Hell Pizza
  • Supa Water
  • Riverside Adventures
  • Good George Brewing
  • Marathon Photos Live